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Aromatic herbaceous plant used for both its leaves and its bulb. It's commonly used in cooking for its sweet and anise flavor, which can add a fresh and refreshing note to many dishes.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a type of high-quality olive oil obtained through the pressing of olives, without the use of chemical processes or refinement. It is considered the highest grade of olive oil in terms of purity and quality, and is widely appreciated for its rich and authentic flavor
Type of vinegar obtained from the fermentation of ethyl alcohol present in white wine. During the fermentation process, microorganisms transform the alcohol into acetic acid, which gives vinegar its characteristic sour taste
Type of vinegar produced through the fermentation of ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits. The fermentation of ethyl alcohol is a biological process in which acetic acid bacteria convert the alcohol into acetic acid
Sweet substance primarily of plant origin, used to sweeten and flavor foods and beverages. The most common form of sugar is sucrose, which is composed of two simpler sugars, glucose and fructose, bonded together
Salt plays a crucial role in cooking, not only for its flavor but also because it is involved in regulating the body's water balance and performs vital functions such as transmitting nerve impulses and maintaining cellular osmotic balance
Plant belonging to the Alliaceae family, scientifically known as Allium sativum. It is widely used in cooking and possesses a characteristic pungent flavor and aroma. The edible parts of garlic are the bulbs, which are composed of small "cloves" or garlic segments enclosed in an outer skin
In addition to adding flavor and aroma to dishes, many of these spices and herbs also have beneficial health properties
Aromatic substances extracted from plant or animal sources that are used to impart pleasant smells and tastes to foods, beverages, bath products, personal care items, and other goods