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the best extra virgin olive oils

The best extra virgin olive oils

As with all products, when buying extra virgin olive oils, we are looking for the best.
The uniqueness of extra virgin olive flavours is offered to consumers with the best products from Le Prandine.
Thanks also to the DOP certification of the olive oil offered by the company, it is possible to include the extra virgin olive oil of the company among the best oils present in all olive oil markets.
Being among the best means offering quality assurance to all consumers of extra virgin olive oil and therefore being the first for prestige in the matter.
In fact, all the best oils are produced with a careful selection of olives for production and with specific processes that offer the product extra virgin characteristics.
Le Prandine also owes its position as producer of one of the best extra virgin olive oils to the peculiarities of the Lake Garda territory that transmit delicacy and freshness to the materials originating in this area.
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